Wednesday, August 1, 2012

My sweetie was in what's a girl to do?

My sweetie had to go to Germany for  a week. Did I get bummed out and depressed that he was eating Swinehaxen and drinking good beer and I was sweating alone in North Carolina?  (yes) 
No...instead I knocked out some projects since I could leave things as messy as I could stand until he got home. (always look at the bright side of life right?)
In a previous post I showed you the post card I made recycling fibers and tags. I also learned to batiik  scarves.

I'm happy how they turned out. I really like the one with squares and circles. I really want to play around with this some more!!
I would have liked to have gotten more dying out of the way however the temperatures were:
Hot....Freaking Hot ...  and YOU GOTTA BE FREAKING KIDDING ME Hot,  So I had to retreat inside the nice, cool house to finish "Raleigh 005".

This one is the largest I've ever took fooorrreeevvverrrr!
Next time they'll be smaller!!

Have a great day,  Pray for rain, Peace and lower temps ;-)