On Wednesday September 26 I led a Nuno Felting workshop at my friend Leslie F’s home in
Chapel Hill, NC.
I had the pleasure of meeting Catherine, Sue, Carolyn, Susan and Andrea. I totally enjoyed a wonderful homemade lunch of Sweet Potato Soup, Salad,
applesauce, mini quiches, Focaccia with
home roasted tomatoes all topped off with carrot cake. Yummmmmmmmmmm. (The lemon grass flavored iced tea was a great thrist quencher!)
After finishing off the wonderful repast, we made out way out to the drive way and started to felt.
So we got the outlines on the table and the bubble wrap laid out.
And start laying out the wool ......
Leslie's kitty cat was getting some sun as we worked away
After we laid out all the wool and wetted it down we started to roll the noodles....

and roll the noodles............. I should
have brought a boom box to help get a rhythm it would also help with time...
Finally were were done and were able to unroll our scarves
The scarves came out very pretty!!
They look quite nice hanging in the trees!!
Here are the ladies who made this wonderful day happen!!!
I think they enjoyed themselves :-D I know I did.