There was just all kinds of fun to be had in August!
The CMMAG (Carolina Mixed Media Artists Guild) held our quarterly play day at the studio of one of our members. on Sunday August 11.
We each brought a snack to share and if an adult beverage was wanted, that was OK as well. Four of us did demo's Linda did "Book Folding", Penny did "Homemade Washi Tape", Heidi showed us how to color clay beads with dye and shaving cream, and I demo'd how to make a felted geode.
Linda had worked at Barnes and Noble for a time and she had all these lovely books that had the covers removed. She showed us the different designs one can make when you just fold the pages in different ways.
This is a pretty neat way to do something while watching television or if you have itchy hands and need to do something. Follow the below link to see some other examples of folded books.
More folded book images
Penny showed us how to make Washi Tape using different varieties of tape. Penny used blue painters tape, cloth (first aid) tape, and masking tape. The then used stamps, different inks and pens to
create some very lovely tape that could be used in a variety of projects.
Parchment paper is the key in working on the tape since the tape won't stick to it after you work on it.
The results were stunning!
Heidi then demo'd the beads colored with shaving cream and dyes. This was fun! Heidi showed us how to make the beads using a clay, not quite a polymer but similar and easy to use. After she rolled out the beads, she put shaving cream in a small cup......
and then added some dye
and then started to color the beads...
You can add as may colors as you want and then you want them to dry with the shaving cream on them. Her husband made her a wonderful drying rack for her beads...
you can see in the background some finished beads...I'm just sorry I don't have better pictures of the final results.
Then last but not least I showed the guild how to make felted geodes.
Unfortunately I don't any photo's of the process however I do have photo's of the finished results.
I will say that my plumbers helper caused a word of warning, when you purchase a toilet plunger steer away from clear acrylic handles that have a bumps put into them for better holding looks like something else....anyway, below are pictures of the results.
It was a very successful day!